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Vaginal mycosis

Within the treatment of an acute vaginal mycosis are commonly used drugs and devices - so-called antifungals. Many women, however, suffering fungal infections have very unpleasant problems such as itching, discharge, burning, pain during intercourse or pain when urinating, even after this treatment.

Vaginal mycosis

(also known as yeast infection or candidiasis) is the most common disease for which women go to the gynecologist. Three out of four women suffering this at least once in their lifetime, nearly half of them, gets it again. In the world, this problem currently worries over 10.000000 women of an advanced age. Vaginal mycosis

A major problem is when mycosis comes back and repeats itself

Within the treatment of an acute vaginal mycosis are commonly used drugs and devices - so-called antifungals. Many women, however, suffering fungal infections have very unpleasant problems such as itching, discharge, burning, pain during intercourse or pain when urinating, even after this treatment. In this case, it is not enough to treat the mere mycosis, but also the problem of repetition. The answer must be sought mainly in immunity. Women with repeated mycosis generally have some problems with ''local immunity'' in the vaginal tissue.

A product for problems with vaginal mycosis

intimate hygiene products

Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida species (all yeasts), of which Candida albicans is the most common. Also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, candidiasis is also technically known as candidosis, moniliasis, and oidiomycosis.

Difficulties occur especially in the summer

While for most of the general population is summer a season of comfort and relaxation, time when you can rest at ease from the everyday rush and stress, women who suffer recurrent vaginal fungal infections, start the summer with a number of concerns and unpleasant restrictions. The main risk factors of mycoses comes with swimming in chlorinated water and hot and humid environment, especially wearing wet swimsuits or tight trousers airtight as cycling, where the intimate area easily mash. As danger can be taken any dirt, but even with hygiene it does not exaggerate. Frequent washing in turn affects the natural environment of the vagina. And even if a woman troubled by repeating mycosis trying to be careful, often in the summer of recurrence of the disease can't be avoided.
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