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Soaps and body wash

Soaps and body wash
Soaps and body wash, Delicate body washing
Here we are offering you soaps, washing foams and shower peeling for gentle and delicate body washing of itchy, dry skin with eczema, acne or psoriasis. These products contain very gentle body washing substances without synthetic preservatives, colouring agents and perfumes. They gently, but efficiently remove surface impurities from the skin without irritation or drying. They are suitable for everyday washing of very sensitive skin and face. After washing the skin is soft, delicate and soothed. Products are recomended soaps and body wash, washing foams and shower peeling for gentle and delicate body washing of itchy, dry skin with eczema, acne or psoriasis.

Bestsellers in category:
  1. $15.90Natura - shower peeling
Natura - hydrating soap

Natura - hydrating soap

Hemp soap, for all skin types gently washing - gently but effectively removes surface dirt without irritating or drying the skin, cleans, calms, smoothes and revitalises skin, suitable for acne skin, also for sensitive or irritated skin
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Natura - shower peeling

Natura - shower peeling

Shower peeling (Peel) unique shower wash for gentle removing of dead skin cells and flakiness, gentle formula with pure peat and tender grains of jojoba wax is suitable for regularly washing and also suitable for face, sensitive, dry or rough
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Natura - washing oil

Natura - washing oil

Body wash oil for dry and rough skin gentle washing and treating, with mild cleansing effect of grape-seed oil molecules as dirt, collectors, cleans, smoothes and revitalises skin
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Robatko - hydrating soap

Robatko - hydrating soap

Moisturizing baby soap for gently washing sensitive and childrens skin, gently but effectively removes surface dirt without irritating or drying the skin-calms, smoothes and revitalises skin, contains pure hemp oil and marigold extract
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Home, Sensitive skin, Eczema, Acne, DandruffSeborrhea, PsoriasisDry skin, Skin cracks, Scars, Normal skin,
Stretch marks, Cold sores, Wrinkles, Itchy scalp, Itchy and Rough skin, Mycosis, Atopic eczema, Skin regeneration,
Hemp seed oil, Skin rashes, Veins, Aching joints, Hair, Striae, Face,
Oral, Hand, Foot, Cream, Body, Neck, Pets,
© Copyright 2009-2013 can-cosmetics s.r.o. (Ltd) European Union, licensee Treatment product Cannaderm© all rights reserved. We observe laws of European Union. We are not approving using any illegal drugs! Our natural treatments products are 100% legal. THC FREE: We use only hemp seeds from approved varieties of Cannabis Sativa, which do not contain any addictive psychoactive substances.

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