Our products under the name Atopos contain unique medicinal peat, which is excellent for treating atopic dermatitis eczema. Peat is widely used in balneology (the science of medical application of water). Many traditional spa treatments include peat as part of peloids
Peat Against Atopic Dermatitis Eczema
Peat against atopic dermatitis eczema. Peat is widely used in balneology (the science of medical application of water). Many traditional spa treatments include peat as part of peloids. Such health treatments have a very long tradition in Europe, especially in the Czech Republic. Some of these old spas go back to the 18th century, and they are still active today. The most common types of peat application in balneotherapy are peat muds, poultices, and suspension baths. Our products under the name Atopos contain unique medicinal peat, which is excellent for treating atopic dermatitis eczema.
Beneficial effect of peat are well known of many wise scientific works and spa procedures. The peat positively influences the state of healthy or ill skin, is suitable for people with atopy in form of a bath or a wrapping and as an effective substance in creams and lotions. Our products contain peat against atopic dermatitis eczema, try now Atopos body skin lotion, Atopos hemp skin cream and most effective Atopos Spa bath

Rarely, you may experience hypersensitivity to any component of peat, if you experience reactions such as a mud wrap, spa during their stay, we recommend that cosmetics containing peat before buying a first test a small area of skin.
Most modern peat bogs formed in high latitudes after the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age some 9,000 years ago. They usually grow slowly, at the rate of about a millimetre per year.
Balneology is the science of medical application of water, especially of curative springs and of peloids, mainly in spas. Peat therapy in balneology and health care has a long tradition. However, modern peat therapy methods have been in use since the early 19th century in Central Europe, where the oldest spas, still active today, are located in the Czech Republic.
Peat mud and suspension baths as well as poultices are the most common types of peat application in balneotherapy.
The effect of peat therapy is based on the combined influence of physical uplift and high temperature of mud-baths, the antiseptic effects of peat and the biochemically active substances in it. Of particular importance in the treatment are the organic, humic substances in the peat, which can penetrate the skin, influencing enzymatic and hormone activity.
At the International Peat Congress, seven papers were presented on Peat Balneology. Professor emeritus Gerd Lüttig gave a keynote speech on ''The Touch of Peat Inherent Healing Power of Nature. Geologist Mall Orru's paper concerned 'The properties of Estonian balneological peat'' and gynaecologist Leena Larva spoke on ''A pilot research into the influence of the Finnish peat sauna to the climacteric symptoms of women''.
In addition, many peat preparations are available and applicated in human as well as in veterinary medicine, together with preparations of high cosmetic value.
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